Sunday, January 9, 2011

Master Cleanse Round 2: Day 6

Okay, So today wasn't productive as most Sundays are. I was in bed for the better part of the day just surfing the net and watching movies with the hubby. Now I did do the salt water flush and everything went according to plan.

As for my lemonade intake it was not as good as it should have been. I only had 3 glasses today :( and 2 glasses of water! That very low and not good at all.

Also confession time! I Ate. I ate a mini croissant lol. Honestly I just ate it cause I was bored not because I really wanted it. I will still continue with the cleanse I highly doubt that small morsel of food will do anything. I guess we just have to wait and see what happens tomorrow.

Todays weigh in 165 lbs

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