Wednesday, November 18, 2009

121 Locs

Today I decided to finally count my locs. I was dreading the task of counting them but it turned out not to be as difficult as I thought. I actually got the idea from a member on BHM. I section my hair in multiples of ten with a hair elastic. 121 locs and I love every last one of them. They’re not all the same size but it makes them even more unique.

I started my locs May 2009. I never thought I would last this long neither did my friends. Before I went natural I would never keep the same style for more than a couple weeks. I tried every style possibe. Although my “hair” was always in the latest style my real hair was far from healthy. April 2008 I decided to go the natural route. I do not remember when my last relaxer was because I was wearing full head weaves and wigs and didn’t relax. I never did a BC my hair was already short and most of my previously relax ends were already broken off. I gradually cut off the rest of those horrid ends.

Now I look in the mirror a year and half since I started my journey and stare in awe. Everyday I love my hair more and more. Before I would just admire other naturals and say one day that could be me, well one day is here.

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I Love my locs :)

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