Monday, February 7, 2011

Awesome Giveaway Check it out

In appreciation of 200 blog followers GlamDazzle is giving away over 1000 dollars worth of Urban Decay and Nars Cosmetics! Is that awesome or what? Check her out!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Master Cleanse Round 2: Day 7

Hey there, not much to report. 7 days down 3 to go. I had 3 glasses today. I have to force myself to drink it. Hopefully Ill get more down tomorrow.
I won't weigh in until day 10

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Master Cleanse Round 2: Day 6

Okay, So today wasn't productive as most Sundays are. I was in bed for the better part of the day just surfing the net and watching movies with the hubby. Now I did do the salt water flush and everything went according to plan.

As for my lemonade intake it was not as good as it should have been. I only had 3 glasses today :( and 2 glasses of water! That very low and not good at all.

Also confession time! I Ate. I ate a mini croissant lol. Honestly I just ate it cause I was bored not because I really wanted it. I will still continue with the cleanse I highly doubt that small morsel of food will do anything. I guess we just have to wait and see what happens tomorrow.

Todays weigh in 165 lbs

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Master Cleanse Round 2: Day 5

Todays blog is via my mobile phone pretty neat. Lol
Anyway to nothing big to report. I had one temptation today, CHIPS! Oh how I love thee lol. My big head boyfriend decided to buy a big bag knowing thats my weakness, but I stayed strong. 5 days down 5 days to go.

Todays weight: 166 lbs
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Friday, January 7, 2011

Master Cleanse Round 2: Day 4

So its about 10:08 on a Friday night. Usually I'd be getting ready to hit the club and get my dancing and drinking on. This year I'm trying to cut back on the partying. Also who wants to go party while on the master cleanse?
I woke up this morning and did even bother with the salt water flush. The laxative tea from the night before was kicking in and I couldn't bother to consume 4 cups of salt water this morning.
So far its been a breeze. Not much craving or detox symptoms. Makes me wonder If Im even doing it right? Maybe I'm not very toxic.

Overall I am very healthy. I never get sick not even a cold, so Im not surprise that Im not going through heavy detox symptoms. I went on the scale but honestly I don't recall what the weight was but I do know I loss some more. Tomorrow I will be back on the salt water and will also be weighing in.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Master Cleanse Round 2: Day 3

Ok so day 3 is winding down. Today wasn't too bad. I was a little moody but I'm not sure if it was because of the cleanse or not. Right not my man is eating and yeah its making me feel hungry lol but its nothing I can't handle. I'll just make another cup of my lemonade and everything should be okay(I hope).

On this cleanse I don't want to do anything but just stay inside, like really whats the point of going out anyway its not like I can eat anything. Its funny how much food is incorporated in our social lives. If I were to meet up with friends or even go out with my man we usually and most likely end up getting something to eat. So right now I am kind of a recluse until this cleanse is over. I think thats what is make it some what easier because I'm around less temptation. Also I'm not cooking so that also helps.
To bad not everyone can do that.

Off to drink my dinner :p

Weigh In: 168.9 lbs

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Master Cleanse Round 2: Day 2

So its about 7:09 pm and I'm just chillin out on the couch. I'm on about my 4th glass of lemonade. Honestly I feel fine lol. I feel like I should have some more water since I only had 1 glass. Shame on me.
There were times I felt a little hungry but I just had my glass of lemonade and everything was fine and dandy.
This morning I had my usual cocktail(salt water) and everything went as planned.
After I went to washroom I step on the scale: 170.2 yup 2 pounds down.
Thats all for today. Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit more interesting.

Day 2 Weigh in : 170.2